Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring bling bitchessss

          Sup lovies? It's been a while. A lot has been going on, I went to fashion week for fall 2013. I did the Milly show again and of course, as always, I DIED. I just fucking love her. Not just her clothes, I think I have an actual obsession with HER. (Michelle Smith.) She's just so perfect. :/ Next, I have been certified in another type of hair extensions called VoMor! They are targeting women with finer hair who want more volume and more hair! Have your consultation with me today! =D Finally, I am going to VEGAS in may. I'm so excited, I'm sick to my stomach lol I can not waiiittt to get out of this cold and sit by a pool while cute boys buy me drinks! It literally snowed all day in jersey yesterday and its suppose to be spring. I'M READY FOR THIS NICE WEATHER. hah. Here's some Spring inspiration ;)


This is a picture of all of us with my boss, Frank Rizzieri, after a very long day of the VoMor certification class. It was intense but very fun!

love ak

ps. im losing weight for vegas. fingers crossed****
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