Sunday, July 08, 2012

Dear Graduated Bobs, I'm kinda over you.

When I first started cutting hair in 2008 the Graduated Bob was a MUST HAVE. Victoria Beckham was all up in everybody's face with her sexy hair cut. Of course this cut had to be the "trend" because I had no clue how to fucking do it. No one I knew in school could really master it. It's a really hard cut. So after I was behind the chair for a few months I had somewhat of a crazy/kook break down and I almost threw the towel in on cutting hair all together. One of the educators that I work with really helped me out and literally put me into a hair cutting boot camp. Naturally, I hated him and my life for a few months (Thankyousomuchloveyamuwah.) But then I guess someone took the nasty cloud above my head away and I felt really comfortable with them.. (or maybe it was because I did so many I could do them with my eyes closed.) Recently I have noticed that now the majority of my clients, have this cut. They fucking love it. Every Saturday I'm seeing more and more of these particular bobs. It's not that I don't dig the look of it. I think if it is done well, it is adorable. I also think that I've become really good at them but I need some variety or I'm going to go fucking bananas. 


To all you wedge heads and the stylists with cutting insecurities,
Stay fabulous.

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