Saturday, September 15, 2012

In the champange, I prefer the bubbles...

I haven't felt like updating recently and I'm not sure why. I think I just have a lot going on with my life and I haven't been feeling very inspired. But hey, here's something fun. Every year my boss goes to fashion week with his team and does hair for a lot of the shows. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to go with them. So on Wednesday I went to New York for FASHION WEEK. I had an amazing time of course. The show I did hair for was MILLY by Michelle Smith. I've done her show before and I absolutely love everything about it. Her clothes are always so cute and she picks the best songs for her models to walk the run way to. The hair for this show was named the "spontaneous pony tail." Basically it was just a highly textured/messy pony. OHHH and my favorite model that I did was from New Jersey!!! Her name was Liza and she was so fucking fierce but incredibly nice at the same time. I never realize how close New York really is until fashion week is here. That's really the only time I ever go. I should go more often...but then I would probably get depressed because I can't or don't live there. I could be like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, she was in NYC right??? Or Carrie Bradshaw. ugh. Who DOESN'T want to be her? Christ I'll take any of the girls from Sex and the City just to be there all the time. Everyone there is soooo..........fucking chic. Or at least trying to be and doing a daamn good job. uggghhhh.

This is the MILLY show from Wednesday.  I was ALSO lucky enough to sit in the fourth row on the right. WIN. (Liza is the 3rd model with the fierce fucking eyebrows. LOVE.)

Oh ps. The music is totally not the same from the actual show. Here is the song they came out to that I am so fucking obsessed with. I've been playing it non stop in the car. Enjoy.
stay fab dolls,

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Wild girls and boys going out for a big time...

          I've been Obsessing over the B52s lately. I'm not exactly sure why, could be because the girls are fucking nuts. I literally can not stop listening to Rock lobster, Deadbeat club, and Is that you, Mo-Dean? Lmao like what???!

Dear B52s, 
           I love you. I love everything about your outrageous music. This may be too personal of a question, but were you on drugs in the 70's when your first album came out? I don't judge. I'm just asking. Brilliant as it is I really don't think a sober person could come up with all of that...anyway. Kate. You're amazing, and you look fucking fantastic for being 64 now? holy fucking shit. 64. Is that even real??? Cindy doll, your hair. omfgz. Did you wear wigs in the 70's? Or was that all you because if it was.... all I gotta say is goooooood job. I wish so desperately that we all could have been big hair friends in the 70's ugh....F M L for being born in the 80's =/ oh well. Thanks for being so amazing. Besos to Keith and Fred ;)
                                                                         you're so fabulous,                                                  

  Wouldn't I look adorable between those two?!


Sunday, July 08, 2012

Dear Graduated Bobs, I'm kinda over you.

When I first started cutting hair in 2008 the Graduated Bob was a MUST HAVE. Victoria Beckham was all up in everybody's face with her sexy hair cut. Of course this cut had to be the "trend" because I had no clue how to fucking do it. No one I knew in school could really master it. It's a really hard cut. So after I was behind the chair for a few months I had somewhat of a crazy/kook break down and I almost threw the towel in on cutting hair all together. One of the educators that I work with really helped me out and literally put me into a hair cutting boot camp. Naturally, I hated him and my life for a few months (Thankyousomuchloveyamuwah.) But then I guess someone took the nasty cloud above my head away and I felt really comfortable with them.. (or maybe it was because I did so many I could do them with my eyes closed.) Recently I have noticed that now the majority of my clients, have this cut. They fucking love it. Every Saturday I'm seeing more and more of these particular bobs. It's not that I don't dig the look of it. I think if it is done well, it is adorable. I also think that I've become really good at them but I need some variety or I'm going to go fucking bananas. 


To all you wedge heads and the stylists with cutting insecurities,
Stay fabulous.

Friday, May 18, 2012

In my opinion, it's the most wonderful time of the year. (Yes, I will sing it loud and proud if I have to.) And it's here. My obsession with it may be because I'm a girl who loves to get dolled up and dance. So of course helping girls get all dolled up is my fav. I love the crazy/chaotic vibe that runs through the salon. I mean they're all little crazy kooks but it's always a good time for me. 
The girls show up, usually late. RACING into the salon like they're running a 5k while their mother speeds away to park the car.

Because I get way too excited, I'm usually up at the front waiting. So I take her back and once she has her robe on I'll ask her if she needs anything. (water, coffee, tea) She'll shake her head while texting. -rude- We sit and of course, like all girls, she doesn't know what she wants to do with her hair. So I start asking the questions- How do you usually wear your hair? Whats your dress look like? All that jazz. 
Mom finally walks in. She has now broken a sweat and misplaced an earring. -Bless you-  (I feel like I should mention to her that the massage school is right next door because she is a frantic mess.) She calmly suggests some things that her daughter automatically vetoes, because it's her mother. And we usually settle on something similar to what Taylor swift had on the red carpet. (THEY LOVE T-SWIFT.) This year however, braids are in...

Now, I'm not the best. But I'm pretty fucking good.
AND OF COURSE the one thing I'm ehhh not so great at is the god damn braid. Everyone wants it.
What about a nice sleek front with some height? Or maybe lots or curls pulled back off your face?... no. BRAID. COOL. You saw that on Pinterest didn't you? You little kook.  No big deal though. I suck it up and give them the best god damn braid my little fingers can give. Then I call over Steph or Amanda to give an even better one because my updos need a braid that is perfection. Anything less is completely unacceptable. Mom comes over every so often to check up on her little darling while I work away to create the best looking updo her friends have ever seen. I've been told - "all of her friends were jealous" ha.

By the time we're all done my hands and arms are coated with a strong hold hairspray and maybe a few curling iron burns. (anything for the kooks) I send her ass up to make-up and after it's all done she will go have the best night of her life. 
I guess now that I'm typing it all out it doesn't seem all that glorious. I can understand why some stylists dread it. Maybe I'm a kook too. Maybe I love the crazy girls because I'm a crazy girl. Who knows. The heart wants what it wants right?

    Stay fabulous. (with out the braids)



Friday, January 20, 2012

from june-jan....

I went blondeish in June.

 before(me and my sister)


I really loved it... So I kept on going....

& going....

& GOING...

Until finally, I felt like I was ready to go dark again. (this photo was taken right before I colored it back to brown.)

My hair was damaged, I felt lost, and not pretty. So, on a crazy impulse (which I promised myself a long time ago I would NEVER EVER do something to my hair again with out thinking it through first.. ie. cut it all off like a little skater boy in beauty school. ) I went into work 5 days before xmas and I told my friend to MAKE ME MYSELF AGAIN...... and of course I loved it

.... but now it is faded and a lot of people reeeally love it lighter...

 I'm just lost on where to go from here. 
I really felt like myself with dark hair before but now I miss my blonde hair and I just don't know where I really belong. =(


ps. some of these pictures I have extentions in.


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