Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Wild girls and boys going out for a big time...

          I've been Obsessing over the B52s lately. I'm not exactly sure why, could be because the girls are fucking nuts. I literally can not stop listening to Rock lobster, Deadbeat club, and Is that you, Mo-Dean? Lmao like what???!

Dear B52s, 
           I love you. I love everything about your outrageous music. This may be too personal of a question, but were you on drugs in the 70's when your first album came out? I don't judge. I'm just asking. Brilliant as it is I really don't think a sober person could come up with all of that...anyway. Kate. You're amazing, and you look fucking fantastic for being 64 now? holy fucking shit. 64. Is that even real??? Cindy doll, your hair. omfgz. Did you wear wigs in the 70's? Or was that all you because if it was.... all I gotta say is goooooood job. I wish so desperately that we all could have been big hair friends in the 70's ugh....F M L for being born in the 80's =/ oh well. Thanks for being so amazing. Besos to Keith and Fred ;)
                                                                         you're so fabulous,                                                  

  Wouldn't I look adorable between those two?!


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