Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I haven't had much to post about lately bc things have been super busy. But today I have off and my little sister and I decided to mess around a little bit and make each other zombies. lol Just for fun. We were bored and she wants to eventually do theatrical make-up in her future so why not practice now? this is my sister and I before we did the make-up...

After we finished we had a little photo shoot...
WARNING: Photo overload. lol

I just think she looks awesome in that pic^

 annd our glamour shots...
 Her pic is great. So zombie fab.^

Weh. So thats what I did today on my day off so far. lol I already showered and washed all that off so maybe I'll go dancing tonight. OHH and I bought something online this weekend that I'm very excited about and I actually will have to make a post as soon as it comes in! ;)

Stay Fabulous lovies!
& Happy hump day!

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