Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Micheal T

I had a wonderful idea to wear my heals to work today. I was going to be a model for a class upstairs in the school and then I would work from 12-8. BUT After the class was over I decided to go home for a little bit and change. I can wear them out dancing...I just don't have the balls to wear them all day lol The only things that really make it easy to stand in heals all day are these little foot inserts called Tip Toes by Foot Petals. I highly recommend them for anyone trying to wear uncomfortable high heals. They make them feel like clouds. However, they might not be enough for me today so flats it is!

I was a blow dry model this morning up in the school for Michael T. He is an amazing person/stylist/ teacher/mentor.  I linked his name with his blog, check it out! Awesome guy. He's definitely a great teacher and he has helped me with learning the hardest haircuts. lol I'm the kind of person that needs to see something over and over again if I'm going to learn it and get it right. I need to see it, hear it, see it again, try it out myself, and then see it again maybe. :p  But Michael is always very patient and he has some funny analogies that really make things click in my head. He is someone who inspires me a lot. Thank you Michael! :)

Photo for the day: ME! I figured since I have a sweet blow dry, I would just take a silly pic and use it for today. Not like many people would see it anywayyyy.
I hope it's not huge.
& ps I'm no longer 170lbs. I now weigh a fabulous 160lbs! hayyy.
Enjoy this beautiful day! It's going to be a hot one people! Dress lightly. ;)
& stay fabulous

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Photo Shoots!

I’m involved with a photo shoot!

A little over a year ago, on a slow day at work Katie and I were just bullshitting in the back room and she told me how she had always been obsessed with the Disney princess characters. She told me she really wanted to do a photo shoot with an interesting spin on them. Mainly, to do some really amazing hair and hopefully get a little portfolio started. Then She asked me if i would be interested in brainstorming with her some ideas. I was totally on board with and the whole thing really took off from there. We had 7 princesses(one is just a character not a princess but she was too good to pass up.) with 7 different looks and scenes. Everything from how we wanted the make-up to look to what we wanted her body position and facial expressions to be.

After that, it was put on the back burner for a while. We both got busier at work and at home and things just weren’t clicking. Then some time over the winter this year Katie and I met up with Lauren Harris (who is an insanely beautiful model) to propose our idea to her and an amazing photographer, Alison Dunlap.She is extremely talented and I was even more excited about all of this after I met her. We decided to do 4 of our princesses now, and then the last 3 later. We also decided on May 1st to be our shooting date. Until that time we were pretty busy getting everything together. Buying clothes and props and getting the Hair extensions everything you can think of. It was crazy. haha But eventually May 1st came and Everything was perfect. The hair looked amazing so did the clothes! The make-up was beautiful and our make-up artists name btw was Nikki Evans she is also insanely talented. Loved everything she did! lol

All in all I have to say Katie and I are very pleased with how everything went. The pictures will go through editing and then I shall post them on here so everyone can seeee!& I’ve already started the research for our last three princesses. I'm thinking of adding one more "non princess" for fun! It’s going to be insane! :)

Photo for today: One of my favorites from the September 2008 issue of Italian Vogue. (Every picture from this shoot was amazing!) The beautiful, Emma Watson. She is so flawless. Even in paparazzi pictures she's perfect!! It's not all Photoshop!

stay fabulous
babies & happy hump day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

kiss kiss

A company called "Violent Lips" has these temporary lip tattoos. I'm very intrigued. They look really cool, and they sound like a good idea... but are girls going to go for this when they want to dress up and go out? Sure for a lady Gaga Concert or something but they look a little too cray crayy for Dressing up. I really like the idea of the glitter ones though. I would probably try them for new years. However, $16.00 for three? That's a little too much. Definitely a little cray cray. lol

stay fabulous

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Soo I’m going to talk about what I do….

Between 2007-2008 I decided to stop going to college for art and to go to school for hair. Poss. the best decision I’ve ever made.

I had so much fun in beauty school and I met the most amazing/crazy people. 9.5 months later I graduated and landed a kick ass job at one of the best salons in South Jersey. (Hell yeah!) I love doing hair because it is one of the easiest ways to express your self. It has become a passion of mine to make people look and feel amazing. When someone leaves the salon feeling great I feel great and It’s an awesome feeling to end your day knowing you’ve made someone happy. So boom, there it is. Here are some pictures I consider my “inspiration” (I guess I’ll call it that?) It’s not even about the hair for me though in these pictures. It’s everything! I love the models, the expressions, the clothing, the set. The whole picture. Which almost makes me think that editorial work could be something I would fancy doing in the future. Since I have a million different pics that I’m obsessed with, I’ll just browse my folders and show ya a few that I like ;)

Stay Fabulous babies!
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