Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Micheal T

I had a wonderful idea to wear my heals to work today. I was going to be a model for a class upstairs in the school and then I would work from 12-8. BUT After the class was over I decided to go home for a little bit and change. I can wear them out dancing...I just don't have the balls to wear them all day lol The only things that really make it easy to stand in heals all day are these little foot inserts called Tip Toes by Foot Petals. I highly recommend them for anyone trying to wear uncomfortable high heals. They make them feel like clouds. However, they might not be enough for me today so flats it is!

I was a blow dry model this morning up in the school for Michael T. He is an amazing person/stylist/ teacher/mentor.  I linked his name with his blog, check it out! Awesome guy. He's definitely a great teacher and he has helped me with learning the hardest haircuts. lol I'm the kind of person that needs to see something over and over again if I'm going to learn it and get it right. I need to see it, hear it, see it again, try it out myself, and then see it again maybe. :p  But Michael is always very patient and he has some funny analogies that really make things click in my head. He is someone who inspires me a lot. Thank you Michael! :)

Photo for the day: ME! I figured since I have a sweet blow dry, I would just take a silly pic and use it for today. Not like many people would see it anywayyyy.
I hope it's not huge.
& ps I'm no longer 170lbs. I now weigh a fabulous 160lbs! hayyy.
Enjoy this beautiful day! It's going to be a hot one people! Dress lightly. ;)
& stay fabulous

1 comment:

  1. i need a black dress like that =]



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